Friday, September 30, 2005


Defined: sadness or displeasure felt when one's hopes are not fulfilled; a person or thing that causes such a feeling.

This post is for me. I'm whining.

There is a person who holds not an insignificant role in my life.

While he has many favorable attributes and can be both gentle and kind, his is typically the path of least resistance.

I have often thought and even spoken outloud that when the going gets tough, I am left to stand and face all manner of adversity and demon alone.

For better or worse, I am an undying optimist and I never truly believe things are or will be as dire as they are or could possibly be.

This week I was faced with a task which required both immediate action and a great deal of moxie.

This week I really did not know if I had it in me to complete the task.

This week I was scared and faced something I should not have had to confront alone.

This week someone let me down.


And, so breaks another piece of this old heart of mine.
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