Thursday, October 13, 2005

Blogger Schizophrenia

Okay, those who know me, know I can be a bit flighty on occasion, despite my very dark and long hair.

What can I say?

I guess I'm easily bored.

That's not really true, but it is somewhat difficult to explain what has prompted all this blog-hopping.

One of the great things about blogging is that each of us can be whoever we please, whenever we please, wherever on the net we please.

I started off feisty and rather gung-ho, but ended up grinding myself down as a result. Feisty is certainly a facet to my personality, but it makes up less than ten percent.

Alex Sinclair is a pseudonym I have had and used since high school. There have been volumes of poetry and prose that no one will probably ever read written under the nom de plume of Alex Sinclair; however, Alex is yet another facet of me.

Feisty Chrissy has taken up residence with my lovely sistah Sadie, a home for which I am most grateful. With her blessing, I shall continue popping in and up over there again and again, as the mood, inspiration, and whimsy strike. With my girl covering my backside, I hope to gain the confidence to unleash the political and constitutional animal over there.

Feisty Repartee shall remain as it is with archives intact; however, I will not be returning there.

This Coop has been a great place to hang out as I worked through some things, mostly personal.

Everything in this life is a journey. Each step we take, each move we make takes us down one path or another.

There's one last move in me. Pixy Misa have given me an opportunity to return to munuviana and is setting up my new URL.

This time there will just be me.

The new place will be called Just *dot* Christina because that's all I am. Just me.

When it's up and running, I'll give a shout out and I sincerely hope you will follow me to one more place.

In the meantime, I'll be here.


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