Saturday, October 08, 2005

The Black Sheep

There is no doubt my mother and my sister love me. I know that and do not doubt it; however, they have always shared a special bond and relate to one another on levels that are simply alien to me.

When I was younger I was jealous of their relationship, but years ago I learned to accept they are more like one another than I am like either of them. Age and maturity has taught me that I should be grateful they are able to have one another because they can each be there for the other and instinctively know what the other needs and how to provide it.

My role in what remains of this family unit is to take care of business. Despite the very troubled and dysfunctional relationship I had with my father, I inherited certain traits from him.

I learned at an early age that I have a very clear vision of what needs to be done in most situations and how to execute tasks efficiently. In crisis that makes me the go-to person, but the other ninety-nine percent of the time when things are rocking along copacetically, I just piss people off with my no-nonsense style of assertiveness and few have much use for me.

As I mentioned in the previous post, I awoke very early this morning with a screaming migraine and after I was finally able to keep the meds down, I returned to bed to sleep off the pain.

When I next emerged from my bedroom, my sister had arrived from Houston and Mom decided she would go with Beth and return next week. I think my sister was here for three-quarters of an hour before we waved them off.

While the last to know, it was not a surprise.

Sweet One has a birthday party to attend this evening and Wee One has informed me if I get cleaned up I can take her to the movies tonight. The only rated G show at our local multiplex is Wallace & Gromit. I showed her the trailer and with delight twinkling in her eyes, she informed me it was, indeed, acceptable. God love that child.

The husband, as he has stated, is on the road again.

There it is, just me and my Wee One. And, yes, I'm counting my blessings.


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