Monday, September 05, 2005

Escape Mode

or something very nearly like it.

Older daughter and I spent four and one-half hours yesterday afternoon watching the last ten Noir anime episodes.

If that did not already constitute about three months of television for me, when best friend Susan arrived yesterday evening, we broke the seals on The Lord of the Rings Triology.

I admit, I'm way late to that particular party. I remember reading Tolkien in high school and marveled at his seemingly endless descriptive sentences. I also recall an older Tolkien enthusiast explaining to me back then these books were written when reading was a major form of entertainment and not an idle endeavor.

Several times I have tried to encourage my sweet daughter to read these books. An avid and voracious reader, she has devoured the Harry Potter series, The Chronicles of Narnia (which is coming to theaters this fall!!), Heinlein's Door into Summer, and Paolini's Eragon/Inheritence set; however, she has steadfastly refused to even give Tolkien a chance, at least in written form.

Last night we watched the first two movies straight through. That was about six hours of movies, after more than four hours of Noir.

In the early hours of morning I lobbied to finish the last one, but both dear friend Susan and older daughter crapped out on me.

At the moment, I have two four year olds running amuck in my house as the wee child has a play date. On an aside, I just heard my baby tell her little friend: "If you help me keep my room clean, you can come back."

Susan and older daughter are hitting balls at the tennis court.

After lunch, the final part of the trilogy awaits us.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll return to reality tomorrow.


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