Tuesday, August 30, 2005

They come in threes...

or so I am told.

Loved ones in Ocean Springs, Mississippi, just down the road from Biloxi, discovered today their home is completely missing. They lived a couple of miles from the coast on a small bayou. All that remains is a piling or two.

They had just finished the house after three years of renovation and rebuilding.

I visited with them in February after the birth of their second son.

Fortunately, they and their small sons are well and fine. They have insurance, both vehicles, and the clothes on their backs.

May God bless them.

Secondly, my colleague and good friend, Cynthia received notice today her contract expires in 30 days and it will not be renewed. Thus, she has been given thirty days notice of the termination of her job.

This is the first time in my nine year tenure a contract has been allowed to lapse. She is an excellent and dedicated employee and in the one year and eleven months she has worked with me, she has taken exactly one vacation day.

This situation is not one of her competence, reliability or work ethic, but a pissing contest with incompetent fucks higher up.

Well, that's two.

Where the hell is the third one?


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