Friday, August 26, 2005

Just Noticed Something

At my last performance review/evaluation my boss cleaned out my personnel file and returned a bunch of copies to me. Included in this batch of paperwork was the request for maternity leave when Wee One was born, as well as the application and cover letter I prepared over nine years ago to go to work for this outfit.

I was glad to see the cover letter was replete with attachments because the writing sample included a brief I was particularly proud of, but had since lost sight of.

One thing that caught my attention as I was flipping through the application package was my signature has changed dramatically. In April, 1996 I signed my name with nearly vertical, firm strokes with each letter neatly and perfectly formed and the spaces between my first name, middle initial and last name all deliberately spaced.

My current signature is legible, but only barely so. Instead of three separate parts of my name, I start with the first letter and continue until the last letter of my surname with no breaks or spaces.

Instead of nearly upright, my letters now all slant to the right. The letters are smaller, more angular and more nondescript than they once were.

Years ago a friend of mine studied graphology and for a Christmas gift took a sample of my writing and prepared a thirty-some-odd page analysis based on that sample. Her results mirrored an assessment made on me using Myers-Briggs typology.

I always wondered how much of her analysis of my handwriting was actually an analysis of what she already knew about me.

Assuming there is some stock in not only the graphology business, but also the Myers-Briggs, does the obvious changes in my handwriting equate to similar changes in personality or personaltiy type?

Who knows.


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