Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Drama Queen in the making

Wee child lamented having to go to day school this morning.

When I asked her why, she explained there was "just so much to do" and it was hard for her "to just keep going all day long."

I did not quite understand what the problem was because I have a copy of her daily schedule and know quite well there are an adequate number of snack breaks, quiet/book/story time, and nap time throughout the day. I could not imagine the teachers were pushing these four-year-olds that hard.

I asked her to specifically tell me what the problem was.

"Mommy, YOU don't understand. EVERYONE wants to play with me. It's VERY tiring."

Oh, Lord.

I cannot relate to this one. I was the child who kept to herself until I got out of college.

I am simply ill-equipped to deal with this kind of drama.

Next thing I know she'll want to be a freakin' cheerleader.

Then, I'll have to slit my wrists.


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