Saturday, September 10, 2005

Body Surfing

There's waxing and there's waxing.

Years ago someone imparted one of Heloise's Helpful Hints to me on keeping a bath and shower virtually scrub-free. I was told to use car wax on tubs and showers and it works like a dream; however, every year or so, a new application is required.

The other day I broke out a little sweat and elbow grease and gooped up, then hand buffed my beloved clawfoot tub; however, for my own continued health, safety, and well-being, I omitted applying the wax to the bottom of the tub. There are some things that even I do not need to be told.

For those who are familar with me and my alter ego, I do not bathe alone.

There is usually at least one set of other eyes any time I am in or near the bathroom.

Last night I drew a particularly hot and full bubble bath. I thought I was finally without company because faithful cat was nowhere to be seen.

On those very rare occasions I actually make it into a bath without him, he runs from wherever he is through the house, leaping over furniture to get to me.

He particularly loves the bubbles.

This was one of those occasions.

It was only after I was partially submerged in the exquisite warmth and aroma of the tub did I hear Voodoo tearing through the bedroom making a beeline for me. His momentum was so great he burst through the partially closed door and with a single bound leapt onto the side of the bathtub.

Usually, he is adept at maintaining both hold and balance while perched there; however, I had just finished waxing the tub.

In one motion he jumped onto the edge of the tub and immediately slid right into the bath with me.

That was one cat who did not land on his feet; however, in a flash, his sopping wet body hurled itself up and out of the tub and in a whirl of bubbles Voodoo was gone.

I wonder if I will actually be bathing alone tonight.


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